Wooster College England, Summer 2001
Georgia Tech's Summer program included faculty and students from Oxford. Organized and taught Technologies of Representation and a Research Seminar comprised of Oxford faculty.
// Typical courses
LCC 6311 Visual Culture and Design
LCC 6111 New Media Genres II
LCC 6113 Experimental Media
LCC 6120 Video Production
LCC/CM 2720 Introduction to Design
LCC 3402 Graphic & Visual Design
LCC 8803 Museum & Exhibit Design
LCC 3404 Web Design
ENG 1102 Freshman Composition
LCC 3352 Film and/as Technology
LCC 3314 Technologies of Representation
New Zealand
// Fall 1999
Fulbright fellowship
Cultural Considerations of Human-Computer Interaction
This graduate course was the first joint advanced degree program in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and the first course of its kind tought in New Zealand.
// 1990-1999
A full load of teaching (2 classes per semester) was maintained at the graduate and undergraduate levels. A wide range of courses was taught, from small studio art courses (22 students) to medium (55 students) lecture classes. Frequent guest lectures were given in large lecture classes (400 students). Nine new courses, including four interdisciplinary courses, were developed with subject matter focussed on electronic art, interface design, and media studies.
Teaching effectiveness for all courses averaged 4.84 on a 5.0 scale.

CS 7470 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (College of Computing)
COA 8902 People and Imaging Interaction (College of Architecture/ Dept of Industrial Design)
CS 4750 Human-Computer Interaction (College of Computing)
CS 4455 Video Game Design and Programming (College of Computing)
LCC 8100 ProSeminar (Research Methods for LCC's news PhD program)
CS 74500 Information Visualization (College of Computing)
Ivan Allen College, College-wide course in innovationn
CS 4480 Digital Video Special Effects Animation (College of Computing)
Fall 2005 - Invited critic for final reviews, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Graduate Studies In Media Art
// Winter 1999
Invited Critic for final reviews, Cal Arts, Graduate Studies in Graphic Design
// Spring 1999
Invited Critic for final reviews, Yale University, Graduate Studies in Graphic Design
Invited Critic for final reviews, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)

On the committe to develop Computational media, the joint undergraduate degreee program. My contribution includes 3 visual design classes, an experimental media (phsysical computing) class, as well as brudges to and coherence among and the visually-oriented CS classes (graphics, animation, special effects, HCCI, information visualization) .
As the result of a GVU seed grant, helped develop the College of Computing's new introductory programming course, required of all undergraduate students, with Mark Guzdial and Jay Bolter. Measurably, its a very successful change.
Primary team member of the proposed Ph.D. program which began in the FAll of 2004. Co-developed two new courses in research methodologies. Primary tem amember of the curriculum revision committee for the Master's program in Information Design and Technology. Developed new courses : New Media Genres II, Visual Culture I, Visual Culture II, Experimental Media.
On university-wide curiculum committees for technology integration.
Recipient of serveral significant interdisciplinary curriculum development grants accross colleges.
Co-developed and team taught two graduate level classes with faculty from the College of Computer Science and Engineering and the School of Library and Information Science.
Co-developed the new media curricula for graduate and undergraduate studies in the School of Communications.
Co-developed a new undergraduate design curriculum with strong humanities and technology emphasis.
Co-devloped and team taught two graduate Art & Technology classes with faculty from English, Architecture, Communications and Theatre and Dance.

SFU,Committee Member
Cammille Baker
LCC, Committee Chair
Nassim Jafarinaimi, Jenna Bilotta, Shridhar Reddy, Ian Seymour, David Durovy, Jeffery Hsieh, Mirtha Ferrer, Doug Kim, Emily Porter, Madhur Khandelwal, Nathaniel Ng, Sunil Parihar, Paige Taylor, Abhishek Kumar, Stephen Griffin, Karen Chan, Daniel Rachels, Chetan Bagga and Sumier Phalake.
LCC, Committee Member
Jill Fantaluzza, Jennifer Haskins and Nina Walia.
College of Computing, PhD Committe Member
Michael Terry
Industrial Design, Committe Member
Florian Vollmer, Janna Kimmel , Vicki Haberman and Michelle Berryman.
Chair of two [2] Master's committees, member of nine [9] Ph.D. committees and sixteen [16] Master's committees across M.A, MFA, MArch disciplines.

// 2000
"Virtual Realities," Profile Intermedia, University of Bremen, Germany, November 29
// 1999
"Virtual Bodies," Converging Terrains: Gender, Environment, Technology, and the Body, Southeast Women's Studies Association, North Carolina State University, Raleigh
"Realities of Virtual Design," MindOn, American Institute of Graphic Arts/Seattle, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle
"Multimedia in Graphic Design," Academic Computing in Macintosh Environments: University Computing for the Future, Anadolu University and Bilkom/Istanbul, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, May 13-15

// 2005
Gromala, Diane., "Indiana University School of Art and Purdue University College of Computing, forthcoming, January 2005
// 2003
"Feral Computing" University of Arizona, Department of Art
Gromala, Diane., distinguished speaker, sole representative of Arts for a U.S. Department of Education FIPSIE grant, on Understanding The Body, Wayne State University, 2003
// 2002
"Remaking Realities" IAMAS International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences, Ogaki, Japan, October
// 2001
"Ontologies of Remediated Flesh" Vassar College, NY, April
// 1997
"VR: Cultural Media Interface," University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), College of Computer Science & Engineering, Baltimore

// 2004
Panel: "Nomadism in Blurring Boundaries from a First-Person Perspective" "Flesh and Embodiment: Physical and Virtual: from CAVES to Wearables" University of Art and Design, Zurich
// 2003
"A Sense of Flesh," Nomadische Grenzuberschreitungen: Kunst und Forschung (Nomadic Transitions: Art and Research) University of Art and Design, Zurich
// 2002
"The Body in Pain: Cognizing the Visceral Unconscious," lecture and.workshop at the La Conversion et Mediatisation du corps-propre, University of MontPellier, France
"The Meditation Chamber," CHI 2002, Physiological Computing Workshop, Minneapolis
// 2001
"Immanent Bodies and Excretory Writings," Emergent Systems, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
Design for Recombinant Senses," Performance Networks, University of California Los Angeles and University of California Irvine
Design for Recombinant Senses," Nano Technology and Cultural Literacies, University of California San Diego
"Remediated Flesh," E-naissance: New Configurations of Mind, Body, Space, Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna E Contemporanea, Turin, Italy
Gromala, Diane., with Bolter, Jay David, "Theory and Practice of New Media Pedagogy," College Art Association Conference, Chicago
// 2000
"Ontologies of Remediated Flesh," l'Arte a l'Etre Post-Biologique, Ecole nationale superieure des Beaux-arts, Paris, December
"Mediating Meat," Computers and Writing Working Group, University of Florida, online discussions, October 21-31
Gromala, Diane., with Bolter, Jay David, "New Media Pedagogies," International Society of Electronic Artists (ISEA) Conference, Paris
// 1999
"Fringe Media and the Postcolonial," UCLA, New Media Department, School of Art, Los Angeles
// 1998
"Parasites and Predators," Living Surfaces: New Media, New Narratives, American Center for Design, Park City, Utah
// 1997
"Information as Performance: Negotiating Digital Boundaries," Information as Performance: Negotiating Digital Boundaries, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
// 1996
"Recombinant Design," Windows on the Digital Future, University of London, England
"Interface Design: the Arts and Humanities Research," paper and workshop presentation in "Human-Computer Interface Issues: World Wide Web," ACM CHI '96: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vancouver, Canada
"Pain and Subjectivity in Virtual Bodies," College Art Association Conference, Boston
// 1995
"Design in Virtual and Ubiquitous Environments," paper followed by panel discussion with Anne Balsalmo and Lisa Cartwright, Art, Feminism, Technology, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Museum of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
"Design in New Realms: Ubiquitous Computing and Virtual Reality," Ravensbourne College of Art + Design, Department of Criticism, London
"Recursion, Subjectivity, and Virtual Flesh," paper followed by panel discussion with Sarah Diamond and Christine Tamblin, Console-ing Passions: Cinema, Technology, Feminism, The Waxner Center
"Virtual Bodies," paper followed by panel discussion with Lynn Hershmann, Heather Oaksen, Robin Reidy Oppenheimer, Paranoid Mirror: Issues of Gender and Technology, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle
"The Virtual Book," The University of Alberta, Art & Design Department, Edmonton, Canada
Gromala, Diane. with Sharir, Yakov., "Distance Learning via the Internet," and "Blurring Boundaries: Student Subversions of Technology," The Fifth Biennial Conference on Art + Technology, Connecticut College, New London
Gromala, Diane. and Shaw, Chris., "VR Art: Artists and Scientists in Collaboration," First Conference on Spatial Multimedia and VR, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
"Virtual Collaboration," European Simulation Symposium, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
// 1994
"Virtual Futures: Virtual Environments and the Arts," Art 21: Art Reaches into the 21st Century, National Endowment for the Arts, Chicago. One of five artists representing electronic art in the NEA's first national conference.
"Subjectivity and Design for the World Wide Web," the University of Alberta, Canada
"Interacting Bodies, Virtual Bodies," Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Art, Minneapolis
"Virtual Avatars: Globally Extended Subjectivities," International Communications Association Conference, Montreal, Canada
"The Instrumentality of Pain in VR," Virtual Futures, University of Warwick, Department of Philosophy, Coventry, England
// 1993
"Visualization of the Body in Pain," Art and Virtual Environments Symposium, The Banff Center for the Arts, Canada
"Virtual Flesh," paper followed by panel discussion with Victor Margolin, Constance Penley, and Allucquere Roseanne Stone, Biosphere II, The University of Texas, Austin
"Interactivity and Navigation in Virtual Environments," International Interactive Computer Society (IICS), The University of Texas and KLRU Studios, Austin
"CyberWorlds - the Cultural Implications of Computer Networks," paper followed by panel discussion, "Volksgraphics - Democracy and Electronic Media," College Art Association Conference, Seattle
"Issues of Interface and Body in Cyberspace," and "Robots and VR" papers; "VR and movement" refereed workshop; Conference on Computed Art, Dance, and Technology, Vancouver, Canada
// 1990
"Design, Technology, and Culture," Graphic Design Educators' Association Conference (GDEA), Chicago