Jay Bolter and Diane Gromala. Windows and Mirrors: Experience Design, Digital Art and the Myth of Transparency. Cambridge and London MITPress. Forthcoming, Fall 2003

Gromala, Diane, Ikons on Design: Excretia. An eight page monography on excretia, an interactive font that responds, in real-time, to a user's continually changing physiological states. Published in 7 languages and distributed throughout Europe and the U.K. Published by Zanders ghhmb, a patron of design arts. Part of a group of monographs icluding Tomato, Zaha Hadid, Ron Arad, Kevin Clarke, and Gitte Kath.

// 2005
Gromala, Diane. "Re-enervating Flesh: Organic matter and Visceral Sensations of BioTechnologies" Leornardo: The Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (in press Fall, 2005).
Gromala, Diane and Warne, Matthew. Book review of When Music Resists Meaning : The Major Writings of Herbert Brum
Wesleyan University Press, Leonardo: The Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (in press, Spring 2005).
Gromala, Diane and Ettinger, Tom. Guest Editor for a Special Edition of, Leonardo: The Journal of the International Society for the Arts, sciences and Technology (Fall, 2005).Invited by Leonardo's editor Roger Malina to organize and edit this special issue on pain, with Dr. Tom Ettinger, Yale University.
// 2003
Diane Gromala. "Remediated Flesh: What Pain Might Tell Us About Transformative Remappings of Sensoria in Interface Design" in _Consciousness Reframed 2002_ London: Intellect Press, 2003.
Diane Gromala. Critical essay responses to Stuart Moulthrop's "From Work to Play" and Bill Seaman's "Recombinant Poetics - Media-Element Field Explorations" in First - Person, Noha Wardrip, ed. The MITPress.
Diane Gromala. and Yacov, Sharir. "A Sense of Re-embodiment,"
Diane Gromala. book review of Where the Action Is: Foundations of Emboddied Interaction, by Paul Dourish, (2003)
// 2002
Diane Gromala. "The Trouble with Rand," in Paul Rand: Modernist Design. Issues In Cultural Theory #4. Symmes Gardner and Franc Nunoo-Quarco, eds. Baltimore: The Fine Arts Gallery, University of Maryland County Distributor Art Publishers (D.A.P.), Forthcoming, 2002
Diane Gromala and Chris Shaw. "Contentious Grounds," In Cambridge and London: MITPress, Forthcoming, 2002
Diane Gromala. "Learning the Languages of Babel: An Approach to New Media Pedagogy," in Education of an eDesigner, Steven Heller, ed. Allworth Press, Forthcoming, August, 2002
// 2001
Diane Gromala."SIGGRAPH Art Gallery at the Turn of the Millennium," Leonardo: The Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, 34.2, pp. 136 138, Cambridge: the MIT Press, (2001)
// 2000
Diane Gromala."Re-embodiment," in Riding the Meridian, vol.2, no.2: Women and Technology.
// 1998
Diane Gromala. 1998. 'Thinking Meat." In FrameWork, a journal of visual culture, published by the Los Angeles Center for Photographic Studies, vol. 9, issue 1: 30 - 33
Diane Gromala. (as Putch Tu)., "Abject Subjectivities," In American Center for Design Journal: Remaking History, pp. 6-11, Chicago: American Center for Design (1998)
// 1997
Diane Gromala. 1997. "Virtual Avatars: Subjectivity in Virtual Environments." In Visible Language, Interactivity, Interconnectivity and Media 31.2 (Fall): 214 - 229
Diane Gromala. 1997. "Hype or Hope," book review of Mind Grenades, in Emigr no. 44, an international design journal, (Fall): 8 - 13
Diane Gromala. 1997. "Critical Methodologies for the Visual Design Interface." In ACM CHI. (Association for Computing Machinery1s Computer-Human Interaction Group) acm.org.sigchi/webchi/chi96workshop/papers/gromala.html reprinted by IBM, alphaworks.ibm.com, 1997. This workshop determined guidelines for the critical evaluation of human-computer interfaces. The document argues for the inclusion of critical methodologies of arts and humanities research in the interdisciplinary context of human- computer interaction.
// 1996
Diane Gromala. "Pain and Subjectivity in VR." In Clicking In: Hot Links to a Digital Culture, edited by Lynn Hershman Leeson. Seattle: Bay Press, 1996. pp. 222-237. Reprinted in The Cybercultures Reader, edited by David Bell and Barbara M. Kennedy. London and New York:Routledge. 2000. Pp. 598 - 608
Diane Gromala. 1996. "Recombinant Bodies." In Emigr no. 40, (Fall): 28 - 32, 49 - 55
Diane Gromala. 1996. "Before You Bury Gutenberg . . ." In Emigr no. 39, (Summer): 12 - 17
// 1995
Diane Gromala, Chris Shaw. 1995. "VR Art: Artists and Computer Scientists in Collaboration." In First Conference on Spatial Multimedia and Virtual Reality Proceedings (Lisbon): 36 - 44
Diane Gromala, Yacov Sharir. 1995. "Blurring Boundaries: Student Subversion of Technology." In Convergence: Proceedings of The Fifth Biennial Arts + Technology Symposium (The Center for Arts + Technology at Connecticut College): 35 - 38
Diane Gromala. 1995. "Dancing with the Virtual Dervish: Virtual Bodies." Essay included in Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments, edited by Mary Anne Moser, with Douglas MacLeod. Cambridge: MIT Press. Pp. 281 - 285 and plate 11
Diane Gromala. 1995. "Solidarity: Subversive Codes in the Production of Political Change." In Communicating Design, an anthology of design criticism, edited by Teal Triggs. London: Batsford Ltd., pp. 46 - 54
// 1994
Diane Gromala, with Yacov Sharir. 1994. "Dancing with the Virtual Dervish: Virtual Bodies." In Virtual Reality Software and Technology: Proceedings of the VRST 194 Conference, edited by Gurminder Singh, Steven Feiner, and Daniel Thalmann. Singapore: World Scientific. Pp. 321 - 328
Diane Gromala. 1994. In ZED: The Politics of Design, (Fall): 23-29 "Subversive Technologies in the Production of Political Change."
Diane Gromala. 1994. "Virtual Bodies: The Blurring of Disciplinary Boundaries." In Proceedings of the European Simulation Symposium (The University of Bogazici, Istanbul). vol. 1: 191-195
// 1993
Diane Gromala, Yacov Sharir. 1993. "Virtual Bodies: Dances Within." In Movement Research Performance Journal (Spring): 20
// 1992
Diane Gromala. 1992. "MultiMedia in Graphic Design," In Academic Computing in the Macintosh Environment III, (BILKOM, Istanbul): 1-7

Saether, Linda. Interview regarding the Mediation Chamber. Aired numerous times on CNN national television and distributed to hospital networks throughout 2003.
Vigodsky, Ted. Interviewed about the Mediation Chamber by a local public radio program called Science In Your Life. Aired several times on regional PBS affiliate radio stations,
September - October,2002.
Dietz, Steve. Walker Art Center, Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College, The San Jose Museum of Art, The Wexner Center for the Arts, The Ohio State University , and Rhizome invited commentary to Shock of the View, on an ongoing listserv that explored the ways digital museums impact artists, audiences, and museums. Contributed multiple short essays, conversations, and an interview.
September - March, (1998).
Sandhaus, Louise. "Are New Media Programs an Evolution of Graphic Design or a New Species?" In American Institute of Graphic Arts Journal, vol. 16. No 2
Gromala, Diane and Yacov Sharir, trans. Bernard Schutze. "Danser avec le derviche virtuel: Les Corps Virtuels," In Inter Art Actuel, no. 63, (Autumn 1995):10-13 (French), 49-51 (English)
Shapiro, Nina. "Techies at Work: Insiders Look Ahead to the Next Turn on the Information SuperHighway," In Eastside Week, Dec. 14, 1994. pp. 15-24
Rock, Michael. "Design in the Academy,": In American Institute of Graphic Arts Journal, vol. 13, no. I, 1995. Interview with design professors Ann Bush, Diane Gromala, and Gloria Lee. 20-27
Vander Lans, Rudy. "A conversation with Diane Gromala," Interview and work included in this issue on the future of design education. migr 31. Pp. 4-5

Liz McQuiston ., Graphic Agitation Two: Contemporary Social and Political Graphics. Phaidon Press, 2003
Triggs, Teal. The Typographic Experiment, (book) London: Thames & Hudson (2003).
Carson, Fiona and Pajaczkowski, Claire. Feminist Visual Culture, (book) London: Routledge pp. 156-157 (2001).
Bell, David, An Introduction to Cyberculture, (book) London: Routledge (2001).
Stephen Wilson., Information Arts: The Intersections of Art, Science and Technology. Cambridge, MITPress
Shaviro, Steven., "Virtual Pleasure, Virtual Pain," in Art Byte, vol.2, no.1, pp.20-21 (1999)
Morgan Spalter Anne., The Computer in the Virtual Arts. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1999
Rush, Michael., New Media in Late Twentieth Century Art, p.213, London: Thames and Hudson (1999)
Gough, Richard, Macdonald, Clarie and Allsop, Ric. On Refuge (book) London: Routledge pp. 106, (1998).
Terry, Jennifer, and Calvert, Melodie. Processed Lives: Gender and Technology in Everyday Life ,(book) London: Routledge, (1997).
Hodge, Kelly. "Virtually Speaking." The Edge, vol 3, no.1,pp 4-7, (1997).
McQuiston, Liz., Suffragettes to She-Devils: Women's Liberation and Beyond. London: Phaidon Press Ltd., 1997. Text discussions: pp. 13, 85, 185. Double page spread of sixteen images: pp. 186-187
Dyson, Francis., "When is the Ear Pierced? The Clashes of Sound Technology, and Cyberculture." in Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments, pp 73-101 (Mary Ann Moer, with Douglas MacLeod, Eds.). Cambridge:MITPress (1995) Hodge, Kelly., "Virtually Speaking." The Edge, vol.3, no.1, pp.4-7 (1994)

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