// 2000 - present
Visual Communications
Appointed, International Editorial Board
Journal of visual culture studies, Sage Publications, U.K
// 1997 - present
Postmodern Culture
Appointed, Editorial Board
Journal of contemporary art and ideas published by the Institute of Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia and John Hopkins University Press.

Discover Award semi-finalist
'A Living Book of the Senses,' was selected as a semi-finalist for Discover Magazine's Award for Technological Innovation. The $100,000 award is sponsored by the Christopher Columbus Foundation, an independant federal agency established by Congress in 1992. The foundation's mission is to encourage and support research that produces new discoveries which have the potential to influence everyday life. Fifteen (15) semi-finalists were selected from among four hundred (400) candidates.
Typographers International Association, Award of Excellence
American Institute of Architects, Award of Excellence
American Institute of Graphic Arts, Awards of Excellence
Communication Arts (National design journal), Awards of Excellence
Print (national design journal), Awards of Excellence
Art Director's Club of Houston
Art Director's Club of Los Angeles
Los Angeles Art Direction, Award of Excellence
Texas Society of Architects, Award of Excellence
Design Pedagogy
American Institute of Graphic Arts, awards for innovative interface design curricula

// 2002
Chair, UNESCO Art, Science and Technology Committee
// 1996 - 1998
Elected Board Member, American Institute of Graphic Arts, National Chair, Technology Initiative.
// 1994 - 1996
Elected to the Executive Committee, Graphic Design Educator's Association (GDEA) Chair, Technology Committee. The GDEA was the sole national organization of graphic design faculty
// 1992 - 1994
Elected Board Member, American Institute of Graphic Arts/ Texas Chapter

// 2002
SIGGRAPH Panels Jury
Design Automation Conference DAC 2002 Advisory Board
City of Austin Design Commission, (Austin, Texas) Mayoral Appointment

// April 2000
National Cash Register (NCR)
Consulting for typographic design for new LCD display
// 1996
Washington Software & Digital Media Alliance, (industry-academic consortium), Appointed, Steering Committee
// 1995
Digital Media Design (industry-academic consortium)
Appointed, Steering Committee
// 1994
College of Arts and Sciences Task Force for State Legislative Technology Funding, Appointed

Created, developed, managed, and secured funding for a 27-workstation computer lab for the School of Communications. This lab functioned as a research lab for faculty and graduate students, as well as a classroom. The lab frequently hosted workshops for university-wide faculty development and community workshops.
Created, developed, raised funds for and managed a 24-workstation computer lab for the Design Division. Co-created, developed and wrote grants for a 30-workstation computer lab for the School of Art. Co-created, developed and garnered grants for an advanced, interdisciplinary computer lab for the College of Fine Arts.